Study days / Congress

BULDO provides additional training for its members on a regular basis.

This is done by organizing study days during the year and an annual congress.

When attending the seminars, points can be earned to qualify for judging.

Here you will find the overview of the days/points and the attendees.

(If you are not on the attendance list please contact the secretariat).

13/04/2025 - 13/04/2025 : Studiedag Ballroom
16/03/2025 - 16/03/2025 : Studiedag Ballroom
09/03/2025 - 09/03/2025 : Studiedag Latin
16/02/2025 - 16/02/2025 : Studiedag Ballroom
01/02/2025 - 01/02/2025 : Studiedag Latin
08/12/2024 - 08/12/2024 : Ballroom & Latin
24/11/2024 - 24/11/2024 : Ballroom & Latin
05/10/2024 - 05/10/2024 : Studiedag Latin
01/09/2024 : Congres FDSF
15/08/2024 - 17/08/2024 : Congres 2024
14/04/2024 : Caraïbische Dansen
17/03/2024 : Ballroom
10/12/2023 : Tango Nuevo en Neo tango
29/10/2023 : Ballroom Lundin
15/10/2023 : Studiedag Latin met Nancy Berti.
03/09/2023 : Studiedag FDSF
13/08/2023 : Congres 2023
26/02/2023 : Argentijnse Tango - Guido De Smet
05/02/2023 : Latino Line Dance
08/01/2023 : buitenlandse studiedag
04/12/2022 : Standaard met Domenico Cannizzaro (It)
04/12/2022 : Latijns-Amerikaanse dansen met Pamela Mc Gill (GB)
06/11/2022 :
25/09/2022 :
14/08/2022 - 16/08/2022 : Congres 2022
10/04/2022 : Parkitango
03/04/2022 : Caraïbische dansen (gegeven door E. Somers)
13/02/2022 : Argentijnse Tango - Jef en Leona Boudewijns
05/12/2021 : Rybicki Jakub
19/09/2021 : Lundin Ballroom
05/09/2021 : Nancy Berti : Latin
22/08/2021 : Lundin Ballroom
14/08/2021 - 16/08/2021 : Congres 2021
01/08/2021 : Lundin Ballroom
20/06/2021 : Studiedag Digitaal Jureren en rankings wedstrijddansers: Jody Desodt en Dimitri Covent
11/04/2021 : Digitale studiedag Disco: Dimitri Covent-Sandy Schaep-Sofie Dursin - van 10.00 u - 11.30u
28/03/2021 : Digitale studiedag Hiphop: Dimitri Covent-Sandy Schaep-Sofie Dursin van 10.00-11.30u
21/03/2021 : Modern & Jazz : Dimitri Covent
21/03/2021 : Somers Latin
28/02/2021 : AGT- Milonga José Araguez